Being authentic – no matter how messy it can look sometimes – is one of my core values.
It drives me absolutely crazy that we are taught in this society to put a positive spin on everything and say that we’re “fine”, even when we’re actually not.
There’s so much stigma around showing any kind of emotion – other than even-keeled okayness.
We are a society of MASK WEARERS.
Even too much joy is considered inappropriate in a lot of situations.
We’re so deeply conditioned to stuff down whatever we are feeling and be “cool.”
We may be able to wear the mask for most of our lives. But when grief knocks on our door, no more can we pretend.
You may find yourself crying in the grocery store line up, or in the middle of a board meeting.
This is totally normal and human, but it probably scares the shit out of most people around you.
Grief makes us lose control, and that can feel scary for us.
It often also scares the people around us who haven’t every experienced the reality of deep grief or depression.
Those that we may have enjoyed small talk with for years, perhaps decades, often can’t handle it and end up backing away slowly or not responding to us when we reach out.
Or, they say dumb stuff that feels terribly unsupportive and even harmful.
When you’re grieving, you need to be with people who GET it.
Sadly, we just aren’t taught these skills in school.
If you’re ready to be amongst people who welcome real, raw authenticity & vulnerability, you’ve found the right place.
The Dark Woods Grief Support Group was created so people like you can come together in the depth of their experience and companion each other.
No one tries to fix each other here.
We won’t tell you, “It’s going to be okay.”
We know that it’s not okay, and it’s not going to be, and THAT IS OKAY.
We can be together in that.
We can remember how to live, move, dance, and even laugh again from that real, raw place of understanding the depths of suffering.
When we grieve together, we get reconnected to the heart of our common humanity.
Last week we held a very special Meet & Greet call with our Dark Woods Grief Support Group Facilitation Team. It was super beautiful and I’d love for you to be able to hear all of our stories & backgrounds.
With Love & Gratitude,