Most of us aren’t raised with an intimate understanding of

grief and trauma.

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All humans need safe, consent-based spaces to grieve & process our trauma.

A container where we feel securely witnessed and held.

Western Society does not offer us much cultural understanding or effective practices for this work, however, and it can be easy to feel lost in the fog of so many different proposed solutions.

So where do you go in your most troubled moments?

If you're hurting, it's not something you're doing wrong or need to diagnose...

We live within systems of oppression that are designed to make you feel this way - there is a sense of urgency that doesn't make room for us to slow down and FEEL

You were never meant to gather up and protect and hold these difficult emotions on your own.
Grief is an innate part of the human experience.
We accumulate our wounds in relationship to the world and with others.
And it’s by BEING with others that we heal….

For over 20 years, I’ve been working with grief & trauma.

What I’ve seen is that not only do we carry around the weight of these difficult experiences, but we also carry a story that says, “I’m alone, I’m different, I’m secretly broken or weird.”

Within the context of the groups, rituals & 1:1 work I hold, this long carried & heavy story dissolves, and we recognize that we are all, at our core, the same.

Human. Broken. Beautiful. Alive.

This is perhaps what I love the most about this work.

When we can release the shame that comes with feeling alone in our experience, healing comes naturally.

We release the heaviness of holding it alone, and get reconnected with our innate sense of joy, aliveness & strength.

Through practices that work with the nervous system & rewiring the brain learned through my studies in Somatic Therapy, Attachment Theory, Healing Sexual Trauma, Deep Nature Connection, Craniosacral therapy, Shamanic Study, Tibetan Buddhism and Yoga, I’ve learned to support people to completely transform how they experience the world and themselves.

I believe that for each person, your gifts are directly related to your wounds, and it is only through deep listening and care of the soul that you will fully remember who you are and what you are here to give to the world.

I believe that every single person, including you, has something to offer to this liminal time we are living in.

In terms of walking through the dark woods and returning with gifts...

I am a living, breathing example, and this work is my offering to you.

I grew up fast, having to take care of myself almost entirely on my own. There was not much space for safety, nervous system regulation and healthy relationship to self or other in my first 16 years in the world. But slowly, I started to find it.

Like someone who has walked for miles through the desert, I drank it in. I made it sacred.

Are there things like that for you?

What do you consider as sacred as water? That you would walk miles for, carrying a heavy load? What are you longing for in your bones?

Whether it is your own personal healing you are seeking, or to deepen your understanding and skills to help others, I’ve got you.

It is my mission to create spaces in this world where people can experience enough safety & belonging, and can gain enough skillfulness, to be able to heal.

The body does the rest.

I want this for you.

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No Way But Through

$37 Class

Dark Woods Zoom grief support group

return from the underworld course

Grief Tending & Ritual Facilitator Training

Soul Song Retreat

1:1 Somatic Therapy

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