Meet Some of My Clients
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Linda Allison
Emma McCann
Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker & Mom
"Thanks so much for the wonderful session today. It's good to feel that we're getting at the root of my problems, and not just putting band-aids on the surface. You are so warm and compassionate and understanding, and you create such a safe place that I feel comfortable and that I can be 100% myself with you, so I thank you so much for that."
Edmonton, Alberta
"I got some feedback today from one of 'my people' that I'm sounding really good, sounding better than they've known me and more confident about myself and my parenting, she meant in general, but I can see change too. So just passing on that people are commenting. So thank you for your support and guidance."
"From just a 30 minute session with Josea, she helped me find a core belief that is standing completely in the way of me finding my life partner. WOW! Not only that, she really saw me, acknowledged and honored me in our time talking and that felt AMAZING! I feel empowered, strong and validated that I'm on the right path in what I'm doing with my life. I can't wait to see what a 90 minute session is like!!! THANK YOU!"

Christina Guillen
"What a deep and transformative experience. I have so much more body awareness now and I think it was really important for me to realize that I’d never really come out of the stress response cycle. It was so great to have the support to acknowledge and release what I needed to. Loved the breathwork at the end.”
Louise Duncan
Nanaimo Workshop
"I have been following all the stuff I learned with you and I feel the best I've felt ever!! Eating vegan (little bits of meat), still drinking bone broth and taking fish oil, off wheat, caffeine, sugar and I just feel SO AMAZING!!!! My body is returning to its full health, excessive weight is falling off, muscles and strength are returning. I've bee exercising lots, starting every day with sun salutations, it's only been a month, but I'm going strong - after a cheat yesterday eating Easter eggs and drinking coffee and feeling like absolute shit I have no desire to return to my old ways! I've also been off weed and alcohol for months and and I am SO CLEAR!! A new person. Had to share! Thanks for all that body wisdom!!!"
Awram Revive 101 Participant
"Since working with Josea I've eliminated sugar - and sugar cravings - from my diet. She has given me her full attention and support with whatever has been coming up for me; she has been able to tap into and connect to my changing situation and health needs, and to fully offer guidance and support on a somatic, emotional and practical level that was truly aligned with my body and my larger life goals. I have been amazed and astonished how much we have achieved together in our short sessions by phone - I have always come away feeling met, acknowledged, and supported in those sessions."

Melissa Flagg
"I have been sleeping better and in better communication with my body. I've realized that I have been a tormentor of my own physical container and that I must learn to actually love my body. I never hated it, I just did not know to give it love or listen to it (I wanted to manipulate it and push my limits to see what it was capable of.) I'm realizing my body and I are capable of much more when I nurture and nourish. The session did resonate with me and help me stay centered while the world around spins furiously."
Krista Carlson
"I feel so much more joy and aliveness since working with you. I really feel like healing is happening and I am developing healthier habits and strategies for dealing with life's challenges. I find the support invaluable and will continue onto the next level of the program."

Christina Bull
Office Manager & Mom
Wow- since starting to work together Josea I feel like I've made great strides in the health and well-being departments. I have more energy, feel more rested and grounded. Cravings have been reduced a lot and I have strategies that work if they come up. It feels pretty amazing. Almost surreal...

Clelie Chevrier
Book-keeper & Mom
I’m genuinely healing from all my past trauma & leaving the chronic stress behind for good. I'd already done a ton of mindset work and made huge changes in my life, but now instead of just THINKING myself out of my unhealthy patterns, I’m tapping into the wisdom of my body. I know how to listen to & care for my body better - in a deeper way. It’s more than just exercise and good food - it’s creating the space for my nervous system to release and reset. Powerful work!

Natalie Baack
Curvy Confidence Coach
"The work that I have done with you one-on-one has been amazing ~ it's changed my world. I'm so much more able to BE with myself and what is happening in my life, even when it's difficult. I've learned to sit with myself and allow things to just BE when all I want to do is run away. Things that would have previously knocked me off my center just don't anymore because I know who I am and where I stand. Today I got some feedback from a friend that I'm sounding really good, sounding better than they've known me and more confident about myself and my parenting. People are commenting. So thank you for your support and guidance. I'm so grateful for your wisdom and the genuine and gentle way you share it."

Emma Mccann
Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker & Mom

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