
Grief’s Sacred Opportunity: Healing Our Fractured World

When the forest burns, the mushroom networks below the soil activate to share resources and information. In times of collective crisis, our human networks must do the same. The world is burning. Let’s not pretend otherwise. We’re all feeling it. Personal and collective grief can no longer be separated. This isn’t just another moment of …

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Permission to Emerge At Your Own Pace

Right now, deep beneath the late winter soil, billions of seeds hold their potential in perfect stillness, waiting for the exact conditions they need to crack open and begin their transformation. We cannot see this vital work happening in the darkness, yet it’s essential for new life to emerge. Just as we wouldn’t dig up …

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Being Real, Raw & Vulnerable Makes You More Alive!

Being authentic – no matter how messy it can look sometimes – is one of my core values. It drives me absolutely crazy that we are taught in this society to put a positive spin on everything and say that we’re “fine”, even when we’re actually not. There’s so much stigma around showing any kind …

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Changes in the Dark Woods

As we enter 2025, I’m feeling a tremendous amount of grief, alongside gratitude for so many things. How can we not be feeling both, as humans in a world full of so much beauty and so much suffering? I want to share with you some big changes happening for 2025 in our Dark Woods Community today, …

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Winter Solstice Blessings

Today we are celebrating the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and also the beginning of the 12 days of Yule, which begins on the eve of the Solstice and ends on New Years Day. It is a time of deepening into the dark, with the knowing that as the wheel turns, the light returns. Everything is always changing …

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Finding Nourishment in the Dark

As I write this I am listening to the cacauphony of birds gathered around our feeder. I’m feeling grateful to have so much beauty gathered here. I think there are over 10 different species of songbirds coming and going, as well as the brilliant blue Stellar Jays, Doves, and this morning I saw a Hummingbird …

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Glimmers of Beauty

🍂 The wind and rain have been keeping me awake many nights these past few weeks… ⁠ I can’t help but LOVE these autumn storms that are making the ocean rage and the trees bend. It’s so powerful!! It fits the intensity of emotions running through the collective nervous system recently. I want to remind you …

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Aligning with Nature

How do you feel about the change of seasons? ⁠ According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the autumn time of year is associated with the Metal element, which is said to rule the lungs and the emotions of grief and joy. ⁠ The big, heaving cry – the earth-shattering kind that literally shakes your chest – moving mountains …

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The Alchemy of Grieving

In the Northern hemisphere where I live, and specifically in the Pacific Northwest, the days are becoming shorter, the sun less intense, and the mornings and evenings are crisp in a way they weren’t only a few short weeks ago.  With the coming of Autumn, and the fading of summer warmth and levity, many of …

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3 Signs You Might Be Stuck in Complex Grief

Is it possible that you might be avoiding your grief, but still suffering? Here are three signs of being stuck in complex grief. You might be: 1.) FROZEN and unable to feel the depths of your pain because of a trauma response. This is really common when we are dealing with complex grief (grief layered …

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